When an injury accident occurs, insurance companies need to assess the damages and the claimant’s injuries. This process involves asking questions about their injuries and the damages they suffered. It also involves asking questions about prior medical conditions and injuries. After all, the insurance company is not responsible for treating past injuries.
Unfortunately, many claimants do not answer these questions truthfully. They may even try to hide past injuries or illnesses in an attempt to recover more compensation. They may also provide false information about the required treatments or diagnoses. When this occurs, insurance companies may have to investigate these claims. This investigation could uncover potential fraud.
At Bosco Legal Services, Inc., we provide insurance claims investigations. Our new service, medical background investigations, can help bolster these investigations. Our team can help find evidence to discover whether an insurance claim is legitimate or not.
What Is a Medical Background Investigation?
Our medical background investigations involve our social media department and our records department. These investigations combine medical canvassing with a social media investigation.
Our MBIs can give attorneys and adjusters valuable information about the claimant and their injuries. For example, certain evidence could legitimize a claim or reduce the amount of compensation an insurance company pays an accident victim. These investigations can also uncover insurance fraud.
When do you know if you need a medical background investigation? Here are three reasons why you may need a medical background investigation team on your side.
#1 Claimant Has a History of Health Problems
Medical background investigators can look through medical records to uncover previous injuries. This includes doing a search of nearby facilities to uncover other emergency room visits or treatments. A claimant might be using prior injuries to inflate the value of their claim. A medical background investigation can help determine the truth.
#2 Injuries Seem Unrelated to the Accident
When a claimant’s injuries seem suspicious, a medical background investigation may be necessary. Sometimes accident victims try to claim injuries that did not occur in the accident. Perhaps the injury occurred at a different time or location.
#3 Claimant Claims Significant Damages
Injured accident victims often claim that their injuries resulted in significant damages. However, an investigation into their medical history may reveal fraud. Perhaps they have not attended all their treatment sessions. Perhaps they posted pictures on social media that contradict the claimed injuries. A medical background investigation team with experience conducting social media investigations can help.
Contact Our Medical Background Investigation Team for Your Case
At Bosco Legal Services, Inc. we assist law firms and insurance companies nationwide. Our team may be able to help you get the evidence you need for an insurance claim case.
Without the help of skilled investigators, medical background investigations can be expensive. They are also time consuming. However, your case could depend upon the evidence found in these investigations.
If you need help gathering medical evidence, we are here to help. Contact our medical background investigators at Bosco Legal Services, Inc. Call our Riverside office today at (877) 353-8281 to discuss your situation. You can also fill out our online contact form, and someone from our office will be in touch with you soon.